Measuring Progress

Every so often one needs to benchmark progress – and as halting as the US space program has been (and apparently will continue to be for sometime to come) progress is being made.  Witness the almost non-chalant nature of the EVAs this week as part of STS-117’s mission to the ISS to deliver and install…

China’s ASAT – The Problem With Debris (Part II)

Well, can’t say YHS was entirely surprised. As we first discussed here, the repercussions of this type of test would be felt for sometime. Comes now today an article from Reuters wherein we find the debris field to be larger than first expected: U.S. DETAILS CHINA SATELLITE DEBRIS, Reuters, April 11, 2007. A larger than…

Iran’s Space Launch: Did They or Didn’t They?

(earlier report on Iran’s space launcher acivity here) Much reporting since yesterday regarding Iran’s claims to have launched an object into space. To set the record right, Mohsen Bahrami, the head of Iran’s aerospace research centre, told state television that “The first space rocket has been successfully launched into space,” without disclosing its range or…

Americans Demand Military Response After Chinese Shoot Down DirecTV Satellite

Americans Demand Military Response After Chinese Shoot Down DirecTV Satellite WASHINGTON, DC—A citizens’ group presented a petition signed by nearly 75 million Americans to key members of Congress Monday, demanding the United States take immediate military action against China after the Communist nation shot down a DirecTV satellite last week. “This is a blatant attack…