“Can You Hear The Thunder?”

Next year, this time, is the 45th anniversary of an icon — the Ford Mustang.  Most folks ’round these parts know of YHS’ particular fondness for the breed going back to his misspent youth and first encounter w/a ’67 variety and affection for the ’07 version presently in our stables.  In celebration of the upcoming 45th anniversary, Mustangs Across America is planning an epic Mustang convoy road-trip from the West that will travel across America’s heartland bringing Mustangs from all over the United States and around the world to attend the big show in Birmingham. Starting in Las Vegas, NV, Mustangs will thunder across America on a five day journey through the scenic backdrops of history, tracing the shadows of Route 66 in the West. The Midwest will include a stop in Mustang, OK and Dallas, TX before rounding up the herd through the deep South in Louisiana and Alabama. Drive participants will enjoy planned gatherings, cruise-ins and other adventures as part of the road trip itinerary.

Interested?  ’tis only $45 to enter and register — download and read the flyer here and register online here or download the registration form.  And hope to join up with you on the road next April!

2004 40th Anniversary MMA 2004 40th Anniversary MMA

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