“And Now For Something Completely Different…”
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat:
Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit outta my hat:
Breathes there a soul so dead that these words don’t send a chill through the spine? When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to…
Who was Daniel Weitzenfeld? If you have anything to do with Naval Aviation, you should be thankful for this: epecially in light of the way things used to be: From the Washington Post: Daniel Weitzenfeld, 90; Navy Innovator Tuesday, May 13, 2008; Page B08 Daniel Kehr Weitzenfeld, 90, a retired Navy rear admiral who was…
Guest writer Chuck Hill joins us this week with Part II of his detailed write-up on the surface action off Guadalcanal in November 1942. Lots of lessons to be applied to today (see the roll-up at the end). BTW – whilst composing this submission he became a grandfather, so we lift a major league ‘mazal…
The next four posts will cover the invasion of Bougainville and are provided via guest author CINCLAX.– SJS The Last Spoke in the Cartwheel Strategic Progress Before the Guadalcanal operation (Watchtower) even began in August 1942, it had been decided to neutralize the Japanese bastion of Rabaul by moving up the Solomons one step at…
STOP. Just stop whatever you’re doing or wheresoever you may be randomly surfing to and go over to Xformed’s site for this compelling read. If ever here was a case study for how the ‘net narrows that six degrees of separation, this is it. A narrative that started out a couple of years ago…
Noted Flying Tiger, former Naval Aviator, Army Air Corps and USAF Pilot, and combat ace Hill passed away this past Thursday at the age of 92. Lex has the full account here. A life filled with accomplishments in service to his country and to a people facing a vicious onslaught, he epitomized the American volunteer…