
Six Went In – One Came Home: The Story of The TBF’s of VT-8 at Midway

grumman_tbf_avengerStan Stanley has assembled a  remarkable site that lays out the little told story of the shore-det of VT-8 and the combat debut of the Grumman TBF Avenger:

I have the privilege of knowing Harry Ferrier who was in Torpedo 8 and one of the two survivors of the six TBF’s which launched from Midway Island on June 4, 1942. I had the honor of helping Harry put together a presentation of his experience.

I have made a Blog with first hand accounts of the flight from Harry and Bert Earnest, his pilot, as well as some pictures at:


It is a thrilling account.

Stan Stanley


Well done Stan — BTW, we’ve also added it to our blogroll… (via Tailhook Daily Briefing).

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