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Forty-Six Years Ago Today…
15 November 1960. The USS George Washington (SSBN-598) deployed from Charleston, SC with a load-out of 16 UGM-67 Polaris A-1s on the first strategic deterrence patrol. The first US nuclear-powered submarine armed with long-range ballistic missiles, the GW was ordered on 31 December 1957, with orders to convert two attack submarine hulls to missile-carrying FBM…
Battle of Coral Sea: Day 2
Events of 8 May 1942 Before dawn on 8 May, both the Japanese and the American carriers sent out scouts to locate their opponents. These made contact a few hours later, by which time the Japanese already had their strike planes in the air. The U.S. carriers launched theirs’ soon after 9AM,…
Project Valour-IT Naval Aviation Factoid: 17 November
17 Nov 1924–Langley reported for duty with the Battle Fleet, thereby ending over 2 years in experimental status and becoming the first operational aircraft carrier in the U.S. Navy. On 1 December she also became the flagship of Aircraft Squadrons, Battle Fleet. Valour-IT Fundrainsing Update (through 14 Nov): Here are the official totals through Day…
USNI: Taking Our Institute Back – Following the Numbers Salamander Style
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Reflections – NFO Copilot
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Project Valour IT – Naval Aviation Factoid: 20 Nov
Project Valour-IT Update: Army is getting crabby – and too close for comfort. Come on Navy – let’s show ’em the passing game… 20 Nov 1933: Lieutenant Commander T. G. W. Settle and Major Chester L. Fordney, USMC, flying a 600,000 cubic foot free balloon, set a world’s altitude record of 61,237 feet in a…