Christmas Lights – Navy Style
From the Fleet…around the world and always on watch.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and peace and prosperity in the new year to come.
– Steeljaw Scribe
From the Fleet…around the world and always on watch.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and peace and prosperity in the new year to come.
– Steeljaw Scribe
Lots going on right now – between events in North Asia, a one family attempt to stimulate the local construction economy and completing the first round of writing/editing for the BMD chapter for the book project there hasn’t been a lot of time to post. Still, there are a couple of irons in the fire,…
JAPAN – Citing Japanese victories in the Coral Sea and other battles, Radio Tokyo the previous day announces that “America and Britain… have now been exterminated. The British and American fleets cannot appear on the oceans.” Around the world, forces were joined and movement was afoot in this truly global war. In Russia, the 2nd…
Part I Part II Part III Standing up and stretching after what had seemed an eternity on this C-141 flight, the LTJG was finding aches and sore points that he had previous not known. As he stepped off the plane onto the bright tarmac, the colors of Norfolk in mid-spring bloom came crashing in upon…
Naval Aviators (and by extension, Naval Flight Officers), of the tailhook variety that is, tend to be a peculiar lot. On the one hand we live to fly “at the boat†and yet, the prospect of actually doing anything besides actually aviating is well, anathema – for some. Early on the behavior was learned at…
SJS, I am sure that most of have heard of the new offensive where the Iraqi Army is trying to replace the various anti-government militias in cities such as Baghdad and Basra. So that has lead to us being extended here on our current line period. They have extended us twice because of the need…
The Playing Field In his far off conscious he heard it – the incessant ringing of the phone on the bulkhead. Not just any ring either – more like a loud clattering and right now it was the most annoying sound intruding into his world. Wearily, he rolled out of the top bunk, carefully avoiding…