“When in the Course of Human Events…”
Independence Day from Steeljaw Scribe on Vimeo.
Independence Day from Steeljaw Scribe on Vimeo.
(SJS: From the Able Dog website — the story may have taken place in 1950, but I have a sneaking suspiscion that there are more than one of us who can readily identify with some parts herein…oh, and the hearing test we all *so* love to do with each annual physical, especially in our, um,…
15 April 1935–Passage of the Aviation Cadet Act created the grade of Aviation Cadet in the Naval and Marine Corps Reserves. The Act set up a new program for pilot training in which otherwise qualified college graduates between the ages of 18 and 28 would be eligible for one year of flight instruction, benefits of…
As a Student NFO back in the late 70’s (OK, 1978) in P-cola, we tended to spend a certain amount of our free time over at the (then) new-ish Naval Aviation Museum (the ‘National’ appellation still some several years off) and while our attention was drawn to some of the indoor exhibits, nicely finished and…
“I can run wild for six months … after that, I have no expectation of success.“ – Fleet Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto In racing there is a saying – ‘luck is where preparation meets opportunity’ Perhaps there is no truer an example than the Battle of Midway. Popular literature seems to emphasize the American forces stumbling…
Forty years ago, man had slipped the gravitational pull that had kept him shackled  in orbit around his home planet, and boldly struck out for the Moon.  Forty years ago, in a live broadcast on Christmas Eve  for the ages, he sent back stunning images of his world and our perspective was forever changed: William…
It is perhaps fitting that on the calendar, Memorial Day precedes two signatory battles in our history — Midway and D-Day because each in their own way epitomize what Memorial Day is all about. Established to recognize those who gave their lives in the Civil War, it has grown to encompass all those who gave…