“…how science could go off the rails.”

We’re going to depart from the normal topics usually found in these pages because of a most compelling article we found in yesterday’s Washington Post’s Health section highlighting an upcoming documentary on PBS.  Fair warning – this is an emotionally compelling article and content.   The documentary, titled, "The Lobotomist" is a look at how, as…


The Shenlong Spaceplane: Hyperventilating Hypersonics or Real Threat?

"At a minimum, Washington should delay the planned 2010 retirement of the Space Shuttle until a new space plane can replace it, as a way to retain a deterring potential military capability. China’s unwillingness to comment on its military space plans, coupled with the Shenlong space plane, confirms its larger aversion to military transparency. The…

“Fire on the Flightdeck!”: 14 Jan 1969

14/0819L Jan 1969: USS Enterprise (CVAN-65) is conducting workups in preparations for combat operations off North Vietnam with CVW-9 embarked.  First event for the day has just been launched and respot for second event is underway.  USS Bainbridge and Rogers are in company.  Aft of the isalnd, the exhaust from an  "huffer" (jet starting unit) has…

Americans At War

One of the things the Naval Institute has gotten right of late is the living history project (don’t get us started on the direction and content of Proceedings…).  The latest manifestation ofthe living history project is Americans at War – a series of vignettes from WW2 to the present of Americans witnessing to extraordinary times…