Reflections: Smuggler’s Blues (VI) – The Pilot

(Part IV) YV-411, airborne over Venezuela. The sky was growing a deeper shade of blackish-blue as the South American evening crawled slowly along. The shock of having the business end of a 9mm pointed at his head had begun to subside as he went about the business of flying the Beechcraft. Consulting the hand-held GPS that accompanied…

Reflections: Smuggler’s Blues (V) – The Squadron CO

Story sub-arc starts here ‘New day, new site, new mission.’ ‘Well, kind of’ thought the CICO as he prepared for landing. ‘Wonder what luck we’ll have with this change in venue…’ Settling to the runway, the Hawkeye made the midfield intersection and turned for the transient ramp. At the far end it, it was led…

Reflections: Smuggler’s Blues (IV) – The Pilot

Ed note: We’re going to try something a little different here and change the POV for a couple of posts.  Note that the events portrayed here are a conglomeration of many encounters over several years and do not represent any one interdiction flight.  Think of this part as being ‘informed fiction’ and try not to…

Reflections: Smuggler’s Blues (II)

Part I here. “Yeah, should be a good night for hunting – wonder what we’ll bag tonight…” he thought as he walked out to the waiting Hawkeye with the Skipper. “Omaha 51, check right one o’clock, 4 miles, heading 280, angels 3…” “51, negative contact” Damn he thought, Is this guy blind or what?


The mind is a funny thing sometimes. During a recent (long) layover at a major metropolitan airport your humble scribe was gazing out a window, as he is wont to do from time to time, and watched the ground crew prepping yet another jet for its journeys over the horizon. His attention was drawn to…