Reflections on the E-2 Hawkeye’s 50th Anniversary
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Reflections on the E-2 Hawkeye’s 50th Anniversary

This Thursday, 21 October 2010, marks the 50th anniversary of the first flight of the first purpose built AEW aircraft, the E-2 Hawkeye (actually, it was the YW2F-1).  Designed around the radar, rather than adapting an existing airframe, the Hawkeye symbolized function over form – from the 24ft “rotodome” prominently perched over the fuselage, to…

Remembering USS COLE (DDG-67) Ten Years Later
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Remembering USS COLE (DDG-67) Ten Years Later

12 October 2000 . . . . . . When another chapter in the Long War against terror was written in the blood of the free: The toll: * Seventeen American Sailors dead: Hull Maintenance Technician Second Class Kenneth Eugene Clodfelter, 21, of Mechanicsville, Va. Electronics Technician Chief Petty Officer Richard Costelow, 35, of Morrisville,…

USS Enterprise (CVAN/CVN-65) At Fifty
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USS Enterprise (CVAN/CVN-65) At Fifty

“Whenever the Enterprise roams in the traditional freedom of the seas, she is the sovereign of the United States, a mighty symbol of our determination to preserve liberty and justice and a clear sign of our nation’s ability to do so.” – ADM Arleigh Burke, 24 Sept 1960 This Friday (24 Sept) marks the 50th…

Blame Wyeth…

Blame Wyeth…

The promise of 3.5 days away from the pressing business of the day job filled your correspondent with all manner of hope to catch up on writing and posts, which we will confess, has been a bit thin of late (blame *that* on the SM-3…but I digress).  So it was while wending my way through…

Prayer Request

Not the post I’d planned for today – received word late yesterday that our close friend and sister in Christ, Sarah,  was back in the hospital this weekend for radiation treatment in her ongoing struggle mortal battle with cancer (now with lesions on the brain and one vertebra).  Bob, her husband is also near total…