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Weekend Notes
Quick note to pass along that has an interview of Your Humble Scribe up at his site. Try not to laugh too hard… The rains (and oppressive humidity) have relented so with blue skies in the offing, believe it’s time to hit the roads for the mountains of WVa with the family – in…
Brit Humor, JSF and carriers
(h/t The DEW Line) This was just too good not to pass along…’Phib, figured you’d especially appreciate the comment at 0:25…
Saturday With Calvin and Hobbes
’tis been a while since Spaceman Spiff has made an appearance, so… Happy weekend …
Fun With Snowglobes…and Tracking Santa
New! Improved! Singing snowglobe (Buck – this one’s for you…) (click on image to start snowglobe – flash needed) And don’t forget — NORAD tracks Santa again this year: —– —–
New Year – New Outlook
…but the same vision. First off best wishes for a safe, happy and prosperous new year for all. Now then – some of you may have noticed a few changes about the premises. We’ve been experimenting with a variety of themes these past few months in an attempt to provide something that loads a little…
Crass Self Promotion
Nominations are being taken until 15 October 2007 Stop by the ‘Best Military Blogs’ or ‘Best New Blog’ and hit the "+" to register your vote – Cooke County (or Dade if you prefer) rules apply… Thanks! – SJS
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Dude! Where are the cake, candles and ice cream? You must have had a hard week… 😀
Been working on frequent flier (and driver) miles – Colorado – Charlottesville – Newark and back with more this coming week (maybe)…