VAW-VRC Merit Scholarships: Now Accepting 2013 Applications

VAW-VRC Merit Scholarships: Now Accepting 2013 Applications

The 2013 Memorial and Merit Scholarships are now open for application. For details on eligibility and to download a copy of the application, click “Apply for a Merit Scholarship” at the bottom of this page. Deadline for entry is April 30, 2013. There will be one $7000 Captain Ed Caffrey Memorial Merit Scholarship and several…

PMC For Now

Well, something broke, unsolicited of course and so now I get to roll up my sleeves and delve (once again) into the dark art of php.   In the meantime, I at least got a partial mission capable (PMC) bird back up and on the line (any one with more than a passing acquaintance with…


Catching Up

Much has been going within and outside the household these past several weeks – and that explains a lot of the paucity of posts of late. Foremost amongst these was the passing of my wife’s father, a Korean War vet, railroad worker and longtime sufferer of Alzheimer’s. Word to the wise — if you haven’t…