2015 VAW/VRC Merit Scholarships
The 2015 application process opened in February 2015. Deadline for entry will be April 30, 2015. There will be one Captain Ed Caffrey Memorial Merit Scholarship and several Merit Scholarships awarded for 2015. Captain Ed Caffrey Memorial Merit Scholarship Captain Ed Caffrey was an outstanding Commodore of the E2/C2 community from 1992-1994. His vision and dedication…

Combined Federal Campaign and The VAW/VRC Scholarship Fund
Yes folks – the VAW/VRC Memorial Scholarship Fund is still available for contributions through CFC — just takes a little digging. The CFC number for the Scholarship Fund is –35747 Please consider giving this year! w/r, SJS

VAW-VRC Merit Scholarships: Now Accepting 2013 Applications
The 2013 Memorial and Merit Scholarships are now open for application. For details on eligibility and to download a copy of the application, click “Apply for a Merit Scholarship†at the bottom of this page. Deadline for entry is April 30, 2013. There will be one $7000 Captain Ed Caffrey Memorial Merit Scholarship and several…

Cooking With The Troops – Update & Final Push
Folks – the “official” fundraiser finishes tomorrow, but don’t let that artificial calendar mark stop you from adding CWtT to your holiday contribution list. Attached below is one more reason to for pitching in to this worthy cause: Thanks to all of you for the multitude of posts about Cooking with the Troops.  As a…
PMC For Now
Well, something broke, unsolicited of course and so now I get to roll up my sleeves and delve (once again) into the dark art of php. Â In the meantime, I at least got a partial mission capable (PMC) bird back up and on the line (any one with more than a passing acquaintance with…
Catching Up
Much has been going within and outside the household these past several weeks – and that explains a lot of the paucity of posts of late. Foremost amongst these was the passing of my wife’s father, a Korean War vet, railroad worker and longtime sufferer of Alzheimer’s. Word to the wise — if you haven’t…
The Fukushima Daiishi Incident
As explained by an industry leader: The Fukushima Daiishi Incident h/t: “a nuke” (self-described…)
Hey Scribe – how was your week?
Snowglobe! and Santa’s NORAD Encounter
Continuing a tradition around here, snowglobe makes a return appearance! (hint: click on image — watch for the mermaid and Santa early on) Meanwhile – don’t forget another tradition, Santa and NORAD: