Cooking With The Troops – Fundraising Kickoff

What it is all about: Cooking with the Troops is a 501(c)(3) charity that supports U.S. and Allied troops, their families, and caregivers worldwide. Our mission is to provide comfort, nutrition, and hope through four major programs:

  • Food Events provide a culinary change of pace — particularly for the wounded, injured, and ill — to help morale, and remind those taking part that their service and sacrifice is appreciated. Educational components are added where possible to add to the effectiveness of the events;
  • Culinary Career Transition helps those interested in culinary careers — particularly those that have to leave service because of their injuries — explore options and find the right career choice as well as the best investment of their educational benefits to reach that goal;
  • Homefront Support focuses on teaching how to do good food fast rather than fast food via fun events that cover food safety basics, cooking basics, nutrition, and more;
  • Frontline Support works to get the best possible culinary and nutritional care packages to the troops, and to make it possible for those at home to learn about life and nutrition at the front even as ways are found to do Food Events as close to the front as possible.

Background (from Cooking With The Troops):

The idea for cooking with the troops grew out of a joint event between Bob Miller and C. Blake Powers. Bob Miller began doing barbecues at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 2005, and Blake Powers began doing food events as a result of his first embed in Iraq in 2007, working through the charity Soldiers’ Angels. Bob suggested doing a joint event at Malogne House at Walter Reed, with Bob and his volunteers doing a barbecue and to be followed by a dessert bar afterwards.

This event proved to be very successful, and the two realized that they could do much more by working together. They incorporated Cooking with the Troops in April 2010 to not only do food events, but to add in three new program areas. They applied for 501(c)(3) status in May, and received that status in June 2010. Between July and December 2010, Cooking with the Troops was able to serve nearly 1,000 people even as it began fundraising and related efforts.

While the primary focus is on the wounded, injured, and ill and associated caregivers, operations are intended to cover the full range of those who serve, their families, and those who provide medical and related care.

How you can help:  Spread the word about Cooking With the Troops and what they are doing.  Raise money, and in-kind donations that will allow them to provide more for all who serve. Volunteer so that they can grow.  You can begin this process by supporting the fundraising drive now underway from Veteran’s Day through Thanksgiving – just hit the “donate” button on the left.

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