Project Valour-IT: 2008 Fundraiser Underway

“Support our Troops” So says the ubiquitous magnetic sticker on yet another non-descript vehicle on the road up ahead – but one wonders if the driver/occupant knows of a program that directly, materially supports our troops in a life-changing way? That program would be Valour-IT (Voice Activated Laptops for OUR Injured Troops). The short story is…

Blogger’s Roundtable With VADM Morgan: The Maritime Strategy (UPDATED)

So what happens when you gather together bloggers like Galrahn, Eagle1, YHS and several others with VADM Morgan to discuss the Maritime Strategy via a teleconference on a late Thursday afternoon?  This:     Transcript should be forthcoming soon and will be posted as an update. Transcript’s up and posted below for your reading pleasure:…

Making A Difference

Ever wondered how you could make a difference in someone else’s life, especially someone from our extended Navy – Marine family?  Many longtime readers know of our support for Soldier’s Angels Project VALOUR-IT effort.  Well, here’s another opportunity, but time is short (13 March!!! ): Yep – you’re reading it right.  Have received word via Navy Marine…

Have You Voted Yet?

VAJoe has a contest running for military-oriented charities with several generous prizes (including a Grand Prize of $1K) set aside for the winning charity.  Sixty-six organizations are represented, from the 9/11 Help America Foundation to the Wounded Warriror Project – and if you don’t see one you think should be there, you can nominate one. …