Saturday Comics-III
File this one under “A Fool and His Money are Soon Parted“
Yeah, I’m a fan, but seriously folks….
File this one under “A Fool and His Money are Soon Parted“
Yeah, I’m a fan, but seriously folks….
Several years back I had the extraordinary privilege to get to know a survivor of the Pearl Harbor attack who had been assigned to one of the gun turret crews onboard the USS Nevada (BB-36). As a junior "hinge" (O-4/LCDR) I was both captivated by the re-telling, first hand, of the accounts of that morning, and…
Sixty-five years ago Guts, determination, innovation – courage were defined (and well before Joint was “cool”) Conceived in the dark aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the raid had its genesis in the idea of CAPT Frank Lowe, USN who predicted that Army twin-engine bombers could be launched form a carrier under the right…
Prologue This past weekend Your Humble Scribe (YHS) was engaged in fleet maintenance of the various assorted vehicles assembled under his garage’s roof. Whilst pausing between oil changes (and silently cursing the designers and engineers who placed oil filters cheek-to-jowl with exhaust headers) he gave reflection to the variety of speedmobiles that have graced said…
(11 NOV) UPDATE: Final Day for the drive has been pushed to the right — now 12 NOV! While there has been good-natured snarking aplenty between and betwixt the four teams, we still shouldn’t lose sight of what this is all about. Quoted below is a letter received today which elegantly drives the point home. …
In an area of the world where memories of Chernobyl are not a dim/receding thing of the past, it doesn’t take much to invoke immediate concern, if not panic: ROSTOV-ON-DON, Russia (AP) — A fire broke out Monday at a Russian factory that makes equipment for atomic power plants, but there was no risk of…
“Are you a turtle?” I had always wanted to go to the Navy. As a young kid, I was intrigued by a Naval Officer with the beautiful brown shoes and sharp gold wings.- Wally Schirra Born into an aviator family (his father had gone to Canada during WW1 to earn his wings and his mom…