Saturday Comics-III
File this one under “A Fool and His Money are Soon Parted“
Yeah, I’m a fan, but seriously folks….
File this one under “A Fool and His Money are Soon Parted“
Yeah, I’m a fan, but seriously folks….
… on the grounds of the Air Force Academy: Go Navy – Beat the h3ll out of Air Force!
No. 956-07 IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 02, 2007 Media Contact: (703) 697-5131/697-5132 Public/Industry(703) 428-0711 Flag Officer Announcements Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates announced today that the President has made the following nominations: Navy Adm. Gary Roughead has been nominated for reappointment to the grade of admiral and assignment as chief of naval operations, the Pentagon,… and don’t forget snoglobe…
“We claim this hallowed ground for peace and for healing. We claim it in affirmation of our strongest belief as a people: that every life is precious.” – Robert S. Gates, Sept 11, 2008 An unbelievable and memorable day – and those words hardly do justice. I was there for the re-dedication ceremony of the…