Boola, boola … Successful Missile Defense test

Oh, and gthe best part? Don’t have to go in to work on the weekend now…

What they want you to think: “The IRGC’s smart ballistic missiles are now in mass-production and this type of missiles can hit and destroy targets with high-precision,” Jafari told reporters in a news conference here in Tehran on Monday. “These new missiles enjoys supersonic speed and cannot be tracked or intercepted by enemy,” the commander…
Prologue This past weekend Your Humble Scribe (YHS) was engaged in fleet maintenance of the various assorted vehicles assembled under his garage’s roof. Whilst pausing between oil changes (and silently cursing the designers and engineers who placed oil filters cheek-to-jowl with exhaust headers) he gave reflection to the variety of speedmobiles that have graced said…
30 June 1956. Two airliners, a TWA Lockheed Constellation and a United Airlines DC-7 are eastbound, in uncontrolled airspace in the vicinity of the Grand Canyon. Both were flying under visual flight rules ostensibly to avoid the thunderstorms building in the area. At 1056 local, the DC-7 struck the Connie from above and behind, severing…
India and Israel – Joint Medium-Range Naval SAM Development: Following in the footsteps of a February announcement of joint development of a naval long-range surface-to-air missile comes the announcement that a medium-range variant will also be jointly developed. As with the long-range variant, the MR version will be based on the Israeli-developed Barak…
Deterrence. Preventing war is preferable to fighting wars. Deterring aggression must be viewed in global, regional, and transnational terms via conventional, unconventional, and nuclear means. Effective Theater Security Cooperation activities are a form of extended deterrence, creating security and removing conditions for conflict. Maritime ballistic missile defense will enhance deterrence by providing an umbrella of…