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Flightdeck Friday – The Project Valour-IT Challenge
(Ed: See “Catching Up” for the Valour-IT reference) The B-52 Stratofortress The B-52 (aka “aluminum overcast” or BUFF – Big Ugly Fat Fellow (or cruder term for the 2nd “F”…) has been flying for over 50 years now and by all rights, looks to remain in the inventory until around 2040. Volumes have been (and undoubtedly…
Flightdeck Friday!
Grumman AF-2S/-2W Guardian (Ed note: The series of articles on Project Cadillac and associated aircraft is taking a little longer to develop than expected, thanks in part to some new material, so this week we look at the Guardian) By 1944, it was clear that if the war was going to continue for another 3-4…
Flightdeck Friday – of Willie Fudds and Stoofs with Roofs
17 December 1956. The icy fog of the mid-December morning had long dissipated when an odd appearing aircraft took the active duty runway. Twin-engines and a shoulder mounted wing marked its lineage to with that of the S-2 family, but a set of twn tails and more importantly, a huge, airfoil-shaped radome that stretched back…
NFO’s: 43 yrs and still going strong…
The Background: On 8 February 1965, a change to Bureau of Personnel Instruction 1210.4C authorized a new designator and name, Naval Flight Officer (NFO). The new designator was appropriate for “an unrestricted line officer, a member of the aeronautical organization . . .who may fill any billet not requiring actual control knowledge of an aircraft.”…
Navy Pilot Missing In Action From the Vietnam War is Identified
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Flightdeck Friday: Skipbombing and The Bismarck Sea
OK – so this week we’re doing something a little different by going Joint (before Joint was cool, so to speak). During the Midway postings, a commenter (commentator?) asked if YHS would provide a little more on skip bombing. Since 5th AF pretty much originated the tactic for counter-ship attacks (ASUW) and had such success…