Forty-Six Years Ago — A New Age Took Wing…
The W2F-1 Hawkeye (later re-designated YE-2) first took flight on 21 October 1960.
We’ve come a long way to this (E-2C Hawkeye 2000)
The W2F-1 Hawkeye (later re-designated YE-2) first took flight on 21 October 1960.
We’ve come a long way to this (E-2C Hawkeye 2000)
JAPAN – Citing Japanese victories in the Coral Sea and other battles, Radio Tokyo the previous day announces that “America and Britain… have now been exterminated. The British and American fleets cannot appear on the oceans.” Around the world, forces were joined and movement was afoot in this truly global war. In Russia, the 2nd…
In Grand Style — presented herewith, Duck Dogers in the 241/2th Century (one of my all time favorites): (h/t: Chap)
“…I didn’t ask for a win…” Kevin Harvick beats mark Martin by .02 secs at the 2007 Daytona 500 “That’s what I love about this sport — it’s hard,” Martin said. “It’s what’s driven me for over 30 years. That’s what I love about it and that’s why I’m here. I had the choice of…
(*This Is No S**t — the typical preamble to an upcoming sea story which is true — no kidding!)TINS Tuesday (there’s that aliterative twist again) will be a weekly feature wherein your humble scribe will pass along stories from Navy air (and occasionally other services) that have been printed at one time or another and…
Tonight, at sundown, begins the celebration of Hanukkah by our Jewish brothers and sisters. Coming as it does on the heels of the “the Holocaust is a Fake” conference of alleged “scholars” (and trust me, that term is extremely loosely applied) in Tehran, it reminds us of the continuing struggle between the Light of Truth…
SJS, So two carriers or one? I can’t say, don’t know, and even if I did can’t talk about it. That being said, the media and some of their retired talking heads are playing up something out of nothing. We traded off with our relief and am now out in the IO cruising around Gonzo…