Upcoming Nupitals…
No, not for the Scribe or his clan, but for Pinch and his intended Nova Scotian bride-to-be. Drop by and pass along your best wishes!
No, not for the Scribe or his clan, but for Pinch and his intended Nova Scotian bride-to-be. Drop by and pass along your best wishes!
This is just way too cool — imagine what a ship’s TAO or E-2C/D CICO could do with something like this: (sorry — plugin was misbehavin’ — see the video here) More on touch screens here (and yes, DARPA has a contract with them…)
…where the Scribe channels one notable childhood camping experience of his own: and it wasn’t cold ravioli – it was cold spaghetti-O’s…
1 GB from twenty years ago and 1 GB today… (h/t PC World via entrecard)
No, not this one – more like this… Item: Navy ship $840 million over budget and still unfinished (h/t Phibian) — The highly touted nerve center of the new, $1.8 billion amphibious ship San Antonio is fraught with computer hardware crashes that could cripple operations. The ship lacks basic safety equipment, such as hand rails and…
Quick one tonight as YHS takes time to perform human sacrifice finalize taxes. So. Saul Tigh, Chief, Tory and Sam all think they are Cylons; Baltar, after being acquitted on charges, is spirited away by a group of religious nutcases and to top it off, Starbuck comes back from the dead to lead the fleet…
Red Flag has always been a varsity exercise and in recent years, it has seen increased participation from allies and friends. This year has been no exception with Brazil (F-5s), Sweden (JAS-39 Grippens), France (Rafales) and Turkey F-16s) among the many participants. This was in addition to the usual USAF, USN and USMC participants. Notable…