Iran’s Space Launch: Did They or Didn’t They?
(earlier report on Iran’s space launcher acivity here)
(earlier report on Iran’s space launcher acivity here)
Twenty-eight years ago this morning our hearts were broken…
 We are about one-third of the way through Iran’s annual “Ten Days of Dawn†observation which celebrates the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran and the return of the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. The occasion serves as a platform for Iran to boast about progress under the Islamic Republic and demonstrate military, scientific…
“I’ll take ‘Space’ for $100B Alex” “Russia, South Ossetia, Georgia and the ISS.” “What is – How the US could find itself locked out of the ISS after 2010 Alex” Russia’s invasion and occupation of South Ossetia could have far reaching effects off world. In a scenario strikingly reminiscent of the movie, 2010, increased tensions…
…and then there’s the jackasses. The crews of the USS Port Royal, USS Hopper and USS Ingraham clearly showed they were on the side of the professionals, The IRGN? Well, here’s an extract from today’s press conference with ADM Cosgriff (C5F/NAVCENT): Q Sir, Jonathan Karl with ABC News. A couple of quick things. One, the Iranian…
Comes word over night of an apparently successful attempt by Iran to place a satellite in orbitusing the Safir-2 space launch vehicle (SLV). The Safir (“Ambassador”) was ingeniously developed as part of Iran’s growing rocket and missile program and has direct links to its attempts to develop extended range missiles in the IRBM and ultimately,…