Postcards: USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69) – 1996

WORLD WAR 2 was really the first multi-media war. True – photography was present in the American Civil War (or as my late grandma used to call it “The Late Unpleasantness” among some of her milder epithets – but we digress). Motion pictures were still embryonic and grainy when WWI burst on the scene and so most…
Associated Press | May 23, 2007 TOKYO – The USS Kitty Hawk, the U.S. Navy’s oldest ship in full active service, embarked on its last major maneuvers Wednesday before being decommissioned next year. The 46-year-old vessel – the only American aircraft carrier permanently deployed abroad – eased out of its berth at the U.S. Navy…
Announcing the 137th Annual Meeting of the US Naval Institute: More than ever we need you there, in person, at the meeting. I’m going and have registered – registration is free (but required) for USNI members. See you there. w/r, SJS P.S. Don’t forget to vote – while the Board of Directors may have stated…
A common thread about life at sea and flying from/working on an aircraft carrier is ‘hurry-up-and-wait;’ mostly because your time, your life is run by others. Whether it is Marshall trying to get everyone checked in for the last night recovery (only to wait until the ship finally turned into the wind) or stopping by…
We get mail and some of it is darn interesting. Take this for example – sometime back we posted on the return of CDR Pete Mongilardi’s remains from Vietnam. Following up on that posting came a note from the former OPS O of VA-153 relating how the Bluetail Flies came by that nickname. It occurred…
The Board of Directors at the US Naval Institue (of which, full disclosure, I am a Life member) has evidently determined that the “mission statement” that has served the organization for 138 years is in need of an overhaul. Norman Polmar disagrees: I am writing to you–fellow members of the U.S. Naval Institute–to urge that…