ONI 2007 Report on the People’s Liberation Army Navy
The report is available for reading/download (PDF) here.
The report is available for reading/download (PDF) here.
Lots of press these past few days over China’s ASAT test/demonstration vs. a defunct FY-1C weather satellite. Some may ask why the big deal — space after all, is not the province of but a few privileged nations and the target satellite was theirs, so why the concern? In a word, debris. The rather violent…
Muffle your drums, play your pipes merrily, Play the death march as you go along. And fire your guns right over my coffin, There goes an unfortunate lad to his home. As reported on over at Galrahn’s and Lex’s places, the London Telegraph published a damning report this weekend regarding the critical state the…
“The federal opposition has dismissed new doubts about the capacity of the multi-billion dollar Joint Strike Fighter to perform against jets used by Russia and China. The JSF jets, for which Australia is likely to pay $16 billion, were comprehensively beaten in highly classified simulated dogfights against Russian-built Sukhoi fighter aircraft, it has been reported….
Very little in the way of defense forces… 1.8% of GDP allocated to defense is a hard sum to work with these days – harder still if you decide to freeze it in place and not adjust annually for inflation. In such a coffin corner, what is one left with? If you are…
A Reminder – Pandas May Be Cute, But They Have Sharp Teeth and Claws… The DF-21D Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile (ASBM) is in play again in the press and implicitly linked in comments by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Staff that cancellation of at least one of the Ford-class carriers and retirement of some number…
(ed. Been a while since we’ve run this recurring item – some interesting items of note from this week for your perusal. – SJS)  India: Agni-III IRBM Test Successful  India’s third test of the indigenously developed Agni-III IRBM on 7 May was evidently a complete success. Launched from Wheeler Island on the east…