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Hammer Time
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New National Defense Strategy Released
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So … Luna Rossa smoked BMW Oracle to win the best-of-9 series, 5-1, sending the American team home and guaranteeing that for the first time in 24 years, there will be no American team in the finals… Congratulazioni Luna Rossa, la squadra migliore vinta!
Saturday Comics
…and this is why nukes have PALs (well, one reason at least): And whist you are tripping the blogsphere fantastic, check out this great blog, rife with the humor endemic in Naval Aviation. Enjoy your weekend! – SJS
Measurements and Metrics from Snowmageddon
…And, we’re back. Didn’t lose power or satellite TV, but the internet went lights out about 5 hours into this weekend’s storm. Some metrics from the storm: 32″ at the homestead vs. 18″ at Reagan National (it always skews low there – must be all the hot air from up river…) 14,180 ft3 of snow…