turn around and you’re four,
*Sigh* Oh to be a freshly winged JO once again and headed off to your first squadron…
*Sigh* Oh to be a freshly winged JO once again and headed off to your first squadron…
…or “Lex visits the Flight Doc for his Annual Physical“ (sorry – too hard to resist…) …and since we can take as well as we give here’s equal time for a rejoinder: … as the Scribe will get his “in the end”… as it were…
Open challenge to Mike over at No Angst Zone — if Team USAF is ahead of Team Navy after the final reckoning on 11 Nov, then the following Friday (16 Nov), my Flightdeck Friday post will be devoted to a (gag) scummy, prissy, no *real* tailhookin’ USAF/USAAF/Air Corps plane, your choice. I’ll give it the…
It has been said a picture is worth a thousand words…Созерцайте!:
Green deck — post your trackbacks here:
Continuing a tradition around here, snowglobe makes a return appearance! (hint: click on image — watch for the mermaid and Santa early on) Meanwhile – don’t forget another tradition, Santa and NORAD: