Succesful AEGIS BMD Launch
Here is video of the shoot itself:
Here is video of the shoot itself:
A few of us (here and over at Galrahn‘s site) have been banging the drum for the last few years re. the potential threat posed by China’s ASBM (Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile) which appears to be a variant of the DF-21 (itself, an apparent derivative of the Pershing II MRBM). There has been limited releasable (e.g.,…
Lost in the turmoil these past few days of the NIE debate, the missing waterboarding tapes, Oprahpaloosa, etc. were two announcements of note out of India. The first was their claim of a successful anti-tactical ballistic missile (ATBM) test using an interceptor based on the indigenously developed-Prithvi SRBM missile, earlier this week with presumably…
India and Israel – Joint Medium-Range Naval SAM Development: Following in the footsteps of a February announcement of joint development of a naval long-range surface-to-air missile comes the announcement that a medium-range variant will also be jointly developed. As with the long-range variant, the MR version will be based on the Israeli-developed Barak…
A Reminder – Pandas May Be Cute, But They Have Sharp Teeth and Claws… The DF-21D Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile (ASBM) is in play again in the press and implicitly linked in comments by the Vice Chairman of the Joint Staff that cancellation of at least one of the Ford-class carriers and retirement of some number…
Deterrence. Preventing war is preferable to fighting wars. Deterring aggression must be viewed in global, regional, and transnational terms via conventional, unconventional, and nuclear means. Effective Theater Security Cooperation activities are a form of extended deterrence, creating security and removing conditions for conflict. Maritime ballistic missile defense will enhance deterrence by providing an umbrella of…
I continue to be amazed (though I really shouldn’t by now) at the volume of email that is generated over the course of a generic three-day weekend. This past weekend was no exception to that rule either – especially as the miserly mailbox sizes set by the sysadmins is, well, miserly, one must spend the…