Wednesday’s Child
… as the Scribe will get his “in the end”… as it were…
… as the Scribe will get his “in the end”… as it were…
File this one under “A Fool and His Money are Soon Parted“ Yeah, I’m a fan, but seriously folks…. -SJS
H/T Xformed
Feb. 10 Strong winds and steady snowfall impede visibility on the National Mall and throughout the Washington region. Ricky Carioti-The Washington Post The winter of 1898-99 – that’s the last time the area saw this much snow. 54.4″ was the talley then – as of 1800 EDT today, we had accumulated 55.4″ (with more still…
Some folks think that by enabling that most noxious of programs spawned from the den of inequity otherwise known as Redmond, WA to be displayed via the bolgsphere is…progress? Forsooth! Cease and desist! Do ye know not what evil thou hast loosed upon this goode land? Evidently this most humble of scribes and servants needs…
Some thoughts and wishes on the cusp of the New Year: Blog direction: Have taken the downtime during the holiday interregnum to map out some new directions. There are ample commentaries re. the war in Iraq and the ongoing GWOT (or GWAT if one prefers). Adding my 2-pence worth would be but another pebble in…