Blocked in Beijing – or Not?
… except some animals seem to be more equal than others…
So are we feeling chastened? Regretful perhaps?

… except some animals seem to be more equal than others…
So are we feeling chastened? Regretful perhaps?
“Support our Troops” So says the ubiquitous magnetic sticker on yet another non-descript vehicle on the road up ahead – but one wonders if the driver/occupant knows of a program that directly, materially supports our troops in a life-changing way? That program would be Valour-IT (Voice Activated Laptops for OUR Injured Troops). The short story is…
So Scribe – just how much fun was it swapping out formats, diddling with php and css while making those "minor" changes to the new theme? Let’s let Daffy do the talking:
If the economy doesn’t pick up after our efforts this weekend in support of the new home (almost finished) then nothing will move it off T.D.C. … 😕
Recently – earlier this week in fact, the People’s Liberation Army (Navy), or PLAN, released a new recruiting video as part of a larger push begun in early August by the PLA for more recruits – and especially those with degrees. Pushed to YouTube and other social media, it is at once slick and highlights…
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