Fun things for the Season (I)
The Snowglobe from h311 … Give it a shake
The Snowglobe from h311 … Give it a shake
Under the circumstances, thought it was time to resurrect this golden oldie…
Mike over at No Angst Zone has picked up the gauntlet and dares to think the Junior Service can prevail. Ha! He even tries to resurrect that phony test off VA Capes. Remember that? The one where not only the targets were, well, you know, "fixed". Afterall, when they had to go against a real…
Your humble scribe is back from TDY to the land of real mountains and clear air — but a land also infected with the blot of PPT-itis. Alas, he returns to the epicenter of all that is malodorous about this infliction from Redmond, to find his classified and unclassified email boxes packed to the gills…
Combine AIS1 with the web and what do you get? How about an ability to track a ship, live, from anywhere you have access to a computer and the web? One such site is here: Live Ships Map. An example of what you can do is demonstrated below: AIS Web Tracker2 – Upload a Document…
OK Gang — looks like Team Army finally had the reserve forces join tem and have taken the lead by over $9K. Time to man up, pony up and take the lead back. Remember, its all fr a good cause and every little bit helps. – SJS 25 Nov 1961: The world’s first nuclear-powered aircraft…