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Saturday Matinee
Mike wonders aloud at how the VAW community seems to have a surfeit of talent when it comes to making videos – *we* all know it comes from our regular dosing of Vitamin R in the form of the megawatt+ of energy we haul around with us. How else can one explain the likes of…
Giving Thanks (Pt I)
So comes that time of year when we are prompted to render thanks. While some hew to a generic form thereof, others would like to be more direct in their thanks, delivering same directly to someone at the pointy end, as it were. Well, you’re in luck. Over the next several days we will be…
Monday’s Reading
Eagle1’s Sunday Ship History narrative this week covers the marriage of ships and radar, opening with a cautionary tale. Mike returns from a prolonged EMCON A period (courtesy Blogger) with a fine post commenting on the Japanese Coast Guard via an article in International Security, and along the way laments the lack of direction his selected…
Of Wargames, JSF and Baby Seals (III)
So we’ve been dragging our feet on this series for one of a number of reasons (some minor, some of import, one of which we hope to be able to announce in the near future) and have fallen behind. Next on the schedule was the BVR discussion (Beyond Visual Range) and it was while doing…
Looking Ahead to ’07
Some thoughts and wishes on the cusp of the New Year: Blog direction: Have taken the downtime during the holiday interregnum to map out some new directions. There are ample commentaries re. the war in Iraq and the ongoing GWOT (or GWAT if one prefers). Adding my 2-pence worth would be but another pebble in…
Air Plan for this Week
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