Strategic Background

Maybe you’ve seen it before, maybe you haven’t.  Still bears viewing. 

 As important as one of the bases for the Maritime Strategy as it is for the local school board in building its strategic vision and mapping out budgetary direction.

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  1. I have not seen this before so I offer a serious thank you.

    I live in a flat world and knew it though I did not realize how flat until some recent reading.

    In the past week I’ve resolved a technical solution speaking to competent engineers in India and Phoenix. I resolved another issue based on the experience of people from Russia, US, and Israel.

    I’m designing a website based on a system developed by thousands from across the globe, with templating from a US online company with people in the US and abroad. I recommended web hosting to a lady in N.C. that was having problems with a server in Germany. I pissed off a borderline “Celebrity” with opinions on my website and we argued and talked and now I’m going to help him with a product which proceeds benefit sick children.

    I almost bought a piece of software this week from a developer in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. A country that just 15 or so years ago was part of the Soviet Union but now has US Air Forces with a base and Russian Air Forces 22 miles away in the same country.

    Until last June I managed the computers and network for a public school district in a town that contains a very forward thinking Navy base. I think these kids are in someways less globally prepared than with the education I received at a DODSS school in the 80s. I think we are failing our kids. I’ve seen with my own eyes.

    The world IS getting flat.

    It is happening exponentially.

    We need to be better prepared.

    I’m 39 years old and I have a foot in each camp, before the Internet and for the past 12 years, in the internet.

    Ooops – gotta run – tech support call…

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