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Looking Ahead to ’07
Some thoughts and wishes on the cusp of the New Year: Blog direction: Have taken the downtime during the holiday interregnum to map out some new directions. There are ample commentaries re. the war in Iraq and the ongoing GWOT (or GWAT if one prefers). Adding my 2-pence worth would be but another pebble in…
Measurements and Metrics from Snowmageddon
…And, we’re back. Didn’t lose power or satellite TV, but the internet went lights out about 5 hours into this weekend’s storm. Some metrics from the storm: 32″ at the homestead vs. 18″ at Reagan National (it always skews low there – must be all the hot air from up river…) 14,180 ft3 of snow…
Fun With Code
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Thought For The Day
(Courtesy Chap)