Fun With Snowglobes…and Tracking Santa
New! Improved! Singing snowglobe (Buck – this one’s for you…)
New! Improved! Singing snowglobe (Buck – this one’s for you…)
Posted for the (junior) scriblet who has one week of freedom left. Sort of, since bandcamp was last week and that season has started – meaning YHS and the missus will have no social life for the next 4 months outside of band…
In Grand Style — presented herewith, Duck Dogers in the 241/2th Century (one of my all time favorites): (h/t: Chap)
Yes folks – the VAW/VRC Memorial Scholarship Fund is still available for contributions through CFC — just takes a little digging. The CFC number for the Scholarship Fund is –35747 Please consider giving this year! w/r, SJS
"Yes M.O., the elevator actuator needs to be changed…" "XO, Department Head meeting, my office, 5 minutes…" "Honey, I’d like to change the den around after we take the tree down – and I’d like the entertainment center on the other side…" *sigh*
Feb. 10 Strong winds and steady snowfall impede visibility on the National Mall and throughout the Washington region. Ricky Carioti-The Washington Post The winter of 1898-99 – that’s the last time the area saw this much snow. 54.4″ was the talley then – as of 1800 EDT today, we had accumulated 55.4″ (with more still…
26 Nov update: Two days left folks; today and tomorrow – let’s make it count!! Let’s set aside the competition for a minute and talk straight to the heart of the matter. Fact is, the need is great and growing. Our wounded warriors number in the tens of thousands, the majority of which would benefit in…