Fleet Forces Command Joins the Blogging ‘Verse

090724-N-3143M-034Frequent visitors to the USNI blog and others in the Navy blogging ‘verse (take your bow Maggie, high priestess of the Navy blogsphere) know VADM Harvey’s straight-up engagement on a number of fronts in the comments sections.  With his assumption of command at Fleet Forces Command comes a new blog (and add’l star…) – the U.S. Fleet Forces Command blog.  And if the inaugural post is indicative of the future (and no reason to believe it isn’t), this one will be very “hands-on” compared to “blogs” maintained by other 4-star commands.  In his own words:

I plan to use the USFF Blog to help increase meaningful two-way communication throughout our organization. What I will need from you are straight-forward comments (positive and negative) about specific topics that will help us all learn, grow and accomplish our assigned missions.

I welcome all perspectives, and my first thread will be to ask for ideas from you that you would like me to address in future posts. I will not be able to respond to every post we receive in the Blog, but I will read them and do my best to respond appropriately to the issues that arise.

A noble and noteworthy effort indeed.  Welcome to the Navy blogging ‘verse sir and all wishes for success in the Solomonic-task at hand.


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