Christmas 2014 — A New Song
Christmas comes at a time of year where we, perforce, count our blessings, tally our losses and generally reflect on the year past. We find this action common across national boundaries and racial divides and, all too commonly, it ends there. The accountants’ take of the past year and if the blessings outweigh the losses, then it was a good year and we can celebrate and be joyful.
For that is the spirit of the season, right? We raise a toast, pause (ever so briefly) to recall those less fortunate and get on with the business of unwrapping gifts, breaking our fasts (such as they may be) and settle in for whatever entertainment is provided to us. Some of that may include songs of the season — “carols” as known by some. We dutifully (and at times, atonally) mix Rudolph, Santa and desires for front teeth with angels and a baby while wishing for “peace on earth” whilst holding only the vaguest understanding of the phrase. For most of us, the story behind some of those carols are shrouded in the mists of history, their quaint language, un-afflicted as yet by a modern re-write, twisting our tongues and puzzling our minds over what they mean; but it passes. Soon, we are into the New Year, deep into the distractions of the various sporting events and planning for the months to come. And so it is that another Christmas passes with maybe one or two things remembered until we repeat the cycle at the end of the next year.
My intention here is to hit the stop button, offering some points to ponder and reflect upon this Christmastide. There is a story I would like to share about one of those carols, “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Morn” and how something written over 150 years ago may still have relevance today.
The carol is an 1872 adoption of a poem written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow which itself, was written during a time of deep personal despair and loss on the part of Longfellow, set against a background of a new nation that was busy going about tearing itself apart from within:
I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
And mild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along
The unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
Till, ringing, singing on its way
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime,
A chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
December of 1863 found Longfellow a desperately heartsick man. Two years earlier, the love of his life – his wife of 18 years, Francis Appleton and mother of their children, died of severe burns when the dress she was wearing caught fire. Despite his own efforts to extinguish the flames (and suffering burns on his face leading to the now trademark beard), Francis suffered burns over most of her body and died the following morning.
Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
And with the sound
The Carols drowned
Of peace on earth, good will to men!
And in despair I bowed my head;
˜There is no peace on earth, I said;
˜For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
Still grieving the loss of his wife two years later, another matter weighed heavily on his heart; the status of his oldest son, Charles. When the Civil War began (the same year Francis died), Charley initially resisted the impulse to join the Army. Henry, a strict abolitionist, had tried to dissuade his son from joining as well, but by early 1863, Charley could resist no more and sought to join the fight.

Offered a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the 1st Massachusetts Cavalry, he accepted and was commissioned on March 27, 1863. Charley entered on his new duties with enthusiasm and was assigned to Company “G” of the 1st Massachusetts. From thence he saw action in Virginia – first at Chancellorsville and then Culpepper (having missed Gettysburg while recovering from typhoid fever and malaria). On November 27, as part of the Mine Run Campaign, while in a skirmish at New Hope Church, Charley was shot through the left shoulder. The bullet traveled across his back, nicked his spine, and exited under his right shoulder.
He missed being paralyzed by less than an inch.
Still, grievously wounded, he was carried into the church and then by ambulance to the Rapidan River. On December 1, 1863, word was received at the Longfellow home in Cambridge of Charles serious injury. Henry and his younger son, Ernest, left at once for Washington, D.C. where they finally met up with Charley and brought him home. They reached Cambridge on December 8 and Charles Appleton Longfellow began the slow process of recovering. In fact, so serious were his injuries that this Christmas morn, his recovery was still very much in doubt. Indeed, throughout the land, the course of the war and fate of the nation was still believed to be in doubt, despite turning back Lee’s forces at Gettysburg.

And so it was, this New England Christmas morning, when in the depths of despair that he heard the bells ringing through the Bostonian streets hearkening to that glorious proclamation in Luke:
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
(Luke 2: 13-14, KJV)
But each peal of the bells only seemed to highlight the disparity between the biblical proclamation of joy and the ever grim news on earth of no peace, no joy.
Taking up pen and paper, his last refuge in a world of despairingly ill news, he began to write. And when he wrote challengingly of the mockery of peace by hate; of the power of the canon over the carol. Then, he answered with heaven-sent grace, of hope born on the knowledge of a future certainty:
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
˜God is not dead; nor doth he sleep!
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men!
Despite his despair, despite all the trappings of gloom and fear, Henry’s faith in the power of God and man to join and transcend the horrors of war gave birth to this song, inspired by his hearing the ringing out of the Christmas bells.
Now on this Christmas Eve I ask do you hear the bells? The promise of peace, real peace the Savior s birth portends? That in the midst of wars and rumors of wars, of earthquakes and pestilence and the evil man is able to heap upon man that there is one whose birth, life and yes, death and ultimate resurrection was as a sacrifice for you and I that we might come to know peace — real peace? A peace that is not just the absence of tumult and strife, but the peace (εἰρήνη) sung by the angels in their new song to the shepherds outside Bethlehem wherein mankind is rejoined with God? Why not take a break from the hustle and flow of the secular part of the holiday and ponder for a while on the spirit? John 3:1-21 is a good place to start.
Stop, pause, ponder, and marvel at the real gift of the season it was offered, after all, free for you and I. And sing a new song.
Submitted with All Our Wishes for a Blessed Christmas.
Note: I would be remiss not to recognize Pastor Greg Corcoran of Battlefield Baptist Church for his series “Rediscover Christmas” and Bro. Bryan Wise, our worship pastor who will be departing for the missionary field in Nicaragua this coming year, both of whom provided inspiration in writing this post. As Bro. Bryan would say — “Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord!” this Christmas.
Simply AMEN!