Wednesday’s Child

… as the Scribe will get his “in the end”… as it were…
… as the Scribe will get his “in the end”… as it were…
You need to install an update to Bad Behavior right away (go here) if you’ve been having trouble posting (like moi). I’ll let this suffice for my rant.
Well, despite the best efforts of the distaff side yesterday with an unplanned site mod (which we wrapped up in the wee-hours of the night with the last a/v cable re-zip-tied in place, btw) – plan on seeing some major changes around here with the New Year. Fear not – the favorites will remain and…
Crane-off an E-2. Now for the small-boys, it’s not as big a deal as they are more practiced at it given t he numbers in their squadrons, but also just because, well, they’re smaller, more compact and don’t have this big ol’ airframe feature called a dome in the middle to deal with that calls…
Minimal posting (continuing) for a while as real world events intrude and demand their pound or so of virtual and real flesh… – SJS
An interesting item in this AM’s news clips: (ASSOCIATED PRESS 20 OCT 08) Russia’s Deputy PM: Russia May Leave Sevastopol LONDON – Russia will leave the strategic Black Sea port of Sevastopol if its lease is not renewed by the Ukrainian government, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said in an interview due to be…
There’s requests that are general in nature — and then there’s targeted requests. The latter are often specific, meet an urgent need and require short turnaround. This is a targeted request. The details are over at Maggie’s Place, but here’s the thumbnail sketch. Marines brought in from the field with serious injuries (usually traumatic brain…