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Brit Humor, JSF and carriers
(h/t The DEW Line) This was just too good not to pass along…’Phib, figured you’d especially appreciate the comment at 0:25…
Saturday Comics
Presented for yor reading pleasure:
Air Plan for this Week
Light posting this week — That Which Makes Other Things Possible (otherwise known as YHS day job) is keeping him quite occupied in the early part of the week and issues of greater import take precedence later this week (Holy Week – more to follow). Flight Deck Friday will take a pause here this week,…
Where Is (Was) MEGEN? SJS Edition
Team NAVY and MEGEN: While donations are taken year ’round, there is an annual fund raiser (two years old now) that runs from Halloween to Veteran’s Day (11 Nov). During this period teams of bloggers, formed along Service affiliation lines, compete with one another to drive fundraising efforts. Last year four teams sought to be…
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SJS, your graphics and images are all squished on the main page but when I view individual posts they return to correct width.
Code is poetry…. 😕
Disregard my last. Must have had my hat on too tight. Now they’re correct but I swear they weren’t earlier.
Steve: No, you’re not going nuts (yet). I’ve found if you’re viewing in MS IE 6 or later they tend to do that until the page finishes loading. Firefox doesn’t (insert editorial comment about Micro$oft here)…
My 9-year old son has every Calvin book and we hear about it all the time.
I, of course, can’t stop laughing just looking at Calvin… 😀
SJS, my favorite snow CH is the one where Calvin built the snowmen in front of his dads car like they are being run over. the parents in the house thinking about contacting a psychiatrist.
Sad day when Watterson stopped the strip (same with farside), sadder how nuts he’s getting nowadays.
Claudio: Found & posted per your wish …