
Flightdeck Friday Special — Midway & Marauders: A Shore-Based Strike POV

While Midway was not the combat debut of the B-26 Marauder (that was left to B-26’s of the 22nd Bombardment Group launching attacks against Rabaul two months earlier), Midway was nonetheless the most auspicious of the Marauder’s early actions. Originating from a 1939 Army Air Corps specification for a twin-engined medium bomber (Circular Proposal 39-640),…


Six Went In – One Came Home: The Story of The TBF’s of VT-8 at Midway

Stan Stanley has assembled a  remarkable site that lays out the little told story of the shore-det of VT-8 and the combat debut of the Grumman TBF Avenger: I have the privilege of knowing Harry Ferrier who was in Torpedo 8 and one of the two survivors of the six TBF’s which launched from Midway…