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Open Trackback Saturday
Green deck … post your trackbacks here.
TINS Tuesday — A Whale of a Tale
Close Shave An A-3D returning from a night training hop crossed the ramp of a big CVA with the meatball right on the money. The hook picked up the number two wire after the touchdown and the arrestment seemed normal. Suddenly, the wire BROKE, and the big plane lurched forward with full power on —…
Fun with Snow Globes
(click on the banner — you will need Flash plug in) Yeah, it’s a front for a pharmaceutical, but at least this one is workplace safe….
Memes – the wretched beasts…
"Meme — Inbound, port side; single, low, slow. Warning Red; Weapons Free…" Seems someone over here has some excess time on their hands and thought to tar Lex and YHS with the notorious “List eight habits or facts about yourself, then tag eight more people” meme. First thought was:
Postcards from Deployment
Deployed correspondent Southern Air Pirate drops in with another post from the Truman CSG with notes from the post-Christmas period, dust-up in the Straits and observations of trying to work orders deployed. We well remember the latter, especially back in the day when one’s tools consisted primarily of waiting until pulling into Naples to go…
Priming the Economy…
If the economy doesn’t pick up after our efforts this weekend in support of the new home (almost finished) then nothing will move it off T.D.C. … 😕