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Project Valour-IT – 8 Nov Update
OK folks, we’re in the home stretch. Two or so days to go and overall we’re still shy of the $180K goal. If you are one of the folks who have contributed – bless you and thank you. You have made a marked change in someone’s life for the better. Would you consider another donation?…
Eating the Elephant – One Bite at a Time
For those not so inclined to leap with both feet into the full Appropriations Bills (regular, continuing and sustaining minus the funds for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan), here is a Congressional Research Service study of current Defense Authorization and Appropriations bills with analysis of some of the more important parts (like shipbuilding – pg…
The Requirements Definitions Process…
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Thought For The Day
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Valour-IT Challenge: 11 Nov Update
(11 NOV) UPDATE: Final Day for the drive has been pushed to the right — now 12 NOV! While there has been good-natured snarking aplenty between and betwixt the four teams, we still shouldn’t lose sight of what this is all about. Quoted below is a letter received today which elegantly drives the point home. …
Open Trackback Saturday
Green deck – post your trackbacks here…