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That was a lot of fun! although there must have been a mistake in the calculating.
10% scored higher
0% scored the same
90% scored lower SUPREME NERD. Apply for a professorshop at MIT now!!! 😯
Can`t be right! I was looking forward to taking the next test until I saw the title…Are you a loser? I don`t want to know. 😥
Veritas et Fidelis Semper
I scored a 28.
But then, chick’s dig me! (Especially the one who lets me live in her home, pays for my Trawler and sailboat)
I figured I got pegged on the calculator (still using my HP-41CV — RPN forever!) and having the microscope, telescope (8″ newtonian reflector BTW) AND I still have my slide rule from freshman/sophmore year. All that and a Poli Sci major – go figure…
But what did you expect for a formere grunt with a BA WW II History and an MA in Civil War History!
😯 😯 dear DC and Albany Rifles: You can’t have been trying very hard. I’m a lowly civilian who doesn’t even much like anything sci-fi, is retired from nursing, AND is Canadian so you must try again…please.
Still, it was a lot of fun. Thank you, and I hope that your commuting woes go a little smoother.
Veritas et Fidelis Semer
I assume the Russian means you’re a true rocket scientist, SJS, coz babelfish sez: “IT WILL BE the science of rocket! 😉
Thanks for the link!
Rough translation of “It really IS rocket science!”…
Oh well, mid-level nerd — that’s me. I got a 76. Probably explains why I’m a computer tech-type.
Hey, my HP RPN calculator is the *only* one I can use and get correct answers! Had a miserable time with a graphing calculator when I had to be non-RPN.
At least HP still makes an RPN calculator for when this one dies … 😛
98%, only 2% higher. Of course as a guy who has written software for web sites, missile systems, fighter planes, and satellites it sorta figures I should score high. RPN for the non-geeky is Reverse Polish Notation and it has nothing to do with the country Poland.