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Trying Something New
Given our predilection to trying new things around here (as opposed to say, oh, the local pro-football team) we’re trying out a new PDF embed and share process from Adobe called, surprisingly enough, SHARE. Of course it is in beta, so it may or may not work. If it does, what you will see below…
Sir Arthur C. Clarke, CBE: 16 Dec 1917 – 19 Mar 2008
If we have learned one thing from the history of invention and discovery, it is that, in the long run – and often in the short one – the most daring prophecies seem laughably conservative. – Arthur C. Clarke, The Exploration of Space, 1951 Radar specialist, scientist, visonary and author. One of the great pillars…
Flightdeck Friday Special Edition: The Space Shuttle – Thirty Years of Dreams, Sweat and Tears
The dream was given form and fire on April 12, 1981 with the launch of STS-1, the world’s first reusable spaceplane — the Shuttle Columbia. At the controls were a crew of only two, Astronauts John W. Young, commander for the mission, and Robert Crippen (both Naval Aviators) for this first “test flight” which would…
40 Years Ago Today: Apollo 8
Forty years ago, man had slipped the gravitational pull that had kept him shackled  in orbit around his home planet, and boldly struck out for the Moon.  Forty years ago, in a live broadcast on Christmas Eve  for the ages, he sent back stunning images of his world and our perspective was forever changed: William…
ISS and Atlantis – as seen from the ground…
… 190 miles away as it were. Amazing the things amature astronomers can do these days. Latest example – take one Boston-area high school class, mix with the Clay Center Observatory‘s 25" telescope, a digital camera and adaptive optics and voila: More on adaptive optics here h/t: Chap and Danger Room
Final DSP Satellite Lifted to Orbit on First Operational Delta IV Heavy Lift
The last of the 23-satellite Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites was lifted to orbit this past weekend on the newest heavy lift rocket in the US inventory. The Delta IV was developed as part of the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program to replace the previous workhorse of US military and commercial heavy lift, the Titan-family. Consisting…