Open Trackback Saturday

Well, we’re going to try an experiment, which is probably the blog equivalent of "Hey watch me do this (fill in the blank)…!"  As we have entered the fall season with the return of school for the remaining scriblet and the attending commitment of time to marching band and football, Saturday’s will provide minimal opportunity for YHS’ efforts.  To that end, we are going to join up with the Open Trackback Alliance (note the button in the left margin if so interested) and Saturdays will become Open Trackback Saturday — feel free to post your trackbacks here – but there’s some rules first:

> No Spam, no adult-oriented material, no profanity

> If you haven’t been here before, please take a minute to look around the site and gain a sense of what it is (and isn’t) about and decide if your trackback is topical.

 And another h/t to Curt for the idea – along with so many others (like moving to WP) which have come from down his way…



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