Cumulonimbus Tags
Fun with another WP plugin (WP-Cumulus) – just roll your cursor over the cloud:
Fun with another WP plugin (WP-Cumulus) – just roll your cursor over the cloud:
So – sitemeter does us all a favor and “upgrades” the website. Of course, we’d *love* to be able to checkout the “improvements” – but it won’t allow us to access our account. All the more aggravating as we had gone the paid path some several months earlier. Evidently others are equally “enamored” of the…
Well, sometime last evening Finagle’s Law was operationalized and our Cutline theme got munged. Whether it was malicious or not remains TBD (examination of the logs tends toward the former). So, for now, we’ll run with WordPress’ “Classic” theme until we can figure out what went wrong. It will mean some earlier posts are a…
Happy 232nd Birthday Navy! Belated B-day greetings – been on the road these past few days and am getting ready to leave again…almost like being on active duty again
N. Korea Detonates 40 Years Of GDP Remains Of Country’s Economy Sent Deep Into Earth’s Core October 18, 2006 | Issue 42•42 PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA—A press release issued by the state-run Korean Central News Agency Monday confirmed that the Oct. 9 underground nuclear test in North Korea’s Yanggang province successfully exploded the communist nation’s total…
As promised we have a couple of announcements that will impact the frequency of posts here over the coming year. Naval Institute Blog:Â We were asked to join a panel consisting of several other bloggers – some we knew and served with on active duty, others from milblogs and other venues since, that will be…