Cumulonimbus Tags
Fun with another WP plugin (WP-Cumulus) – just roll your cursor over the cloud:
Fun with another WP plugin (WP-Cumulus) – just roll your cursor over the cloud:
For many folks, it’s almost a toss-off to say “I support the troops…” You know, slap a yellow magnetic sticker on the ol’ minivan and you’re done. Others actually put forth real effort, not to prove themselves, but in genuine support for our folks. Case in point — FbL has a track record where it…
… on the road to hell. Comes this word (via B5): The U.S. Army has ordered soldiers to stop posting to blogs or sending personal e-mail messages, without first clearing the content with a superior officer, Wired News has learned. The directive, issued April 19, is the sharpest restriction on troops’ online activities since the…
Ever wondered how you could make a difference in someone else’s life, especially someone from our extended Navy – Marine family? Many longtime readers know of our support for Soldier’s Angels Project VALOUR-IT effort. Well, here’s another opportunity, but time is short (13 March!!! ): Yep – you’re reading it right. Have received word via Navy Marine…
"Meme — Inbound, port side; single, low, slow. Warning Red; Weapons Free…" Seems someone over here has some excess time on their hands and thought to tar Lex and YHS with the notorious “List eight habits or facts about yourself, then tag eight more people” meme. First thought was:
…where the Scribe channels one notable childhood camping experience of his own: and it wasn’t cold ravioli – it was cold spaghetti-O’s…