Heads-up WordPress/Bad Behavior Users
You need to install an update to Bad Behavior right away (go here) if you’ve been having trouble posting (like moi). I’ll let this suffice for my rant.
You need to install an update to Bad Behavior right away (go here) if you’ve been having trouble posting (like moi). I’ll let this suffice for my rant.
… and other Beltway phenomena aptly defined:
Is it just YHS or does it seem since the intrusion of CAD and other automated design devices that aesthetics have taken a back seat in aircraft design? There was a day when an aircraft both funcitoned well and looked, well, pleasing, was easy on the eyes and sprang from the worn pencil and…
“Support our Troops” So says the ubiquitous magnetic sticker on yet another non-descript vehicle on the road up ahead – but one wonders if the driver/occupant knows of a program that directly, materially supports our troops in a life-changing way? That program would be Valour-IT (Voice Activated Laptops for OUR Injured Troops). The short story is…
Well, we’re going to try an experiment, which is probably the blog equivalent of "Hey watch me do this (fill in the blank)…!" As we have entered the fall season with the return of school for the remaining scriblet and the attending commitment of time to marching band and football, Saturday’s will provide minimal opportunity…
Showing some “Joint” love today…(also gives us a chance to flight test a new feature) — — Â Â
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Feel your pain…Blogger’s STILL got me blocked for the alleged spamming. It’s frustrating because in this situation there’s absolutely nothing I can do beyond pitch a temper tantrum via email and wait.
Yes, I was pretty cranky when I wrote that rant! 👿
Bad Behavior is a great plug in, but I hope Mike updates his error pages. Glad I could save you some writing!
I had moved from Aksimet, Bad Behavior and SPAM Nuker (between those, my spam management was pretty easy). Recently, I found Defensio via my WP dashboard notifications and deactivated those other three. So far, it’s looking good…and Akimet were the people who actually pointed out that it was new in the market….