Heads-up WordPress/Bad Behavior Users
You need to install an update to Bad Behavior right away (go here) if you’ve been having trouble posting (like moi). I’ll let this suffice for my rant.
You need to install an update to Bad Behavior right away (go here) if you’ve been having trouble posting (like moi). I’ll let this suffice for my rant.
So, here we were, half-watching the football game while sorting through the pile of magazines that had accumulated during the last few months while we were doing 18-hour days. Now that the pressure was off at work, SWMBO had dictated either we take care of the pile or she would – and Draconian doesn’t begin…
 Next Generation airborne electronic attack plans revealed? After years of debate about the future of tactical, airborne electronic attack for the U.S. Air Force and Marine Corps, it appears the F-35 will become the next-generation, digital warfare aircraft for both services. The platform most in demand in combat today is some kind of electronic attack…
March is Brain Injury Awareness month and the following post was provided by Chelsea Travers, a representative of CareMeridian, as part of a public service effort to raise awareness of TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). Â With the significant incidence of injury from IEDs deployed against our forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, TBI has quickly become…
Deployed correspondent Southern Air Pirate drops in with another post from the Truman CSG with notes from the post-Christmas period, dust-up in the Straits and observations of trying to work orders deployed. We well remember the latter, especially back in the day when one’s tools consisted primarily of waiting until pulling into Naples to go…
“After its firing from the submarine Dmitry Donskoy, the Bulava missile self-liquidated and exploded into the air” – Russian MoD spokesman to Interfax 23 Dec 08 And thus was written the postscript on the latest test of the star-crossed Bulava SLBM. Five failures in eight attempts would seem to call into question the fast-track to…
(h/t Russian Navy Blog) Cold iron – that time in a shipyard when the ship is completely dependant on shore-based services; electricity, water, steam, etc. as the plant (conventional or nuclear) is shut down. Of course, as is wont to be the case, that which is brought on from shore typically falls short of demand on…
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Feel your pain…Blogger’s STILL got me blocked for the alleged spamming. It’s frustrating because in this situation there’s absolutely nothing I can do beyond pitch a temper tantrum via email and wait.
Yes, I was pretty cranky when I wrote that rant! 👿
Bad Behavior is a great plug in, but I hope Mike updates his error pages. Glad I could save you some writing!
I had moved from Aksimet, Bad Behavior and SPAM Nuker (between those, my spam management was pretty easy). Recently, I found Defensio via my WP dashboard notifications and deactivated those other three. So far, it’s looking good…and Akimet were the people who actually pointed out that it was new in the market….