Monday’s Reading

Eagle1’s Sunday Ship History narrative this week covers the marriage of ships and radar, opening with a cautionary tale.

Mike returns from a prolonged EMCON A period (courtesy Blogger) with a fine post commenting on the Japanese Coast Guard via an article in International Security, and along the way laments the lack of direction his selected Service seems to have WRT a strategy.

Galrahn has a post on "soft power" and the Maritime Strategy, which if time permits us the opportunity to post more than these "fire for effect" posts, we will put up some notes from a recent symposium we attended on implementing the MS where, it seemed, everyone (almost) was focused on the soft power implementation of the MS, despite the keynoter’s plea for equal time for the traditional elements of seapower…

xformed brings us the story of "Red" Ramage’s MOH exploits aboard the first USS Parche and how he was so honored as DD-61’s namesake.

Pinch serves up an example of hubris’ comeuppance and provides a PSA along the way.


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