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Great pictures. Makes me proud to be American!
Perhaps you could title this Friday’s musing as (dare I say it?) “Freudian Friday”?
Keep up the great work, and get well, soon!
Oh, c’mon! There’s a picture of a much more handsome and capable Burke here.
Okay, okay. I guess it’s not exactly a recce guide photo….
Actually, we have used that very photo, just in other (joint) fora…
Yankee Sailor sez: There’s a picture of a much more handsome and capable Burke here.
I’m partial to DDG-87 and CG-61, myself. SN2 was the CHENG on both, at different points in time. 😀
The first Aegis Cruisers I saw have been stricken. My last trip to the IO/Circumnavigation was 21 years ago. But we can only hope the kids at Fox, et al get the message. Send it to Megyn Kelly. She’s adorable when she gets her knickers in a bunch