“Secure from Missile Defense Quarters, Restow All Gear…”
OK, so trying to get back to some semblance of normalcy around these parts now that the rogue satellite has been dispatched. We’re hoping the powers-that-be relent in their parsimonious attitude towards releasing video of the event, but given some of the organizations involved, doubt that will happen anytime soon. Likewise being able to tell the backside of this story.
Plan on seeing Flightdeck Friday up later today or possibly tomorrow, but in the meantime there are some great reads to be found today:
- Discipline. Honor. Sacrifice – and steadfast leadership. ‘Phib has the story on Fullbore Friday
- Mid-air collision – and live through it? Full story from the survivor’s view at Tailhook Daily Briefing
- Galrhan continues trying to get Big Navy to show the connection of means and ends where the Maritime Strategy is concerned and adds perspective on high and low ends of force structure;
- Eagle1 has the story of a disappearing ship in the Red Sea;
- Skippy-san reports from the homefront;
- Speaking of moonshots, Pinch has a look at a couple;
- …and Lex joins the million blogger march, congrats!
- Yankee Sailor has an interesting first week on the job…
We also will be visiting the hand doctor Monday to see what the long term prognosis is after Tuesday week’s ice follies since additional bones have been found to be broken and the butcher’s bill climbs. We fully expect to wind up in a real cast at the end of that visit which, of course, makes posting no easier.
Ahem….might I suggest a short conversation with Maj Z. Chuck may have some suggestions to help you out in this time if incapacitation.
Your work is too good to be taking a holiday…
Hope it’s not too difficult to repair.
To be sure, if there is a COA that ends up with the right hand totally NMCM for a piece, that option is lined up. In the meantime, we’ve become pretty handy working the mouse/trackball w/the left hand, etc. in this new mondo sinistro 8)
“We’re hoping the powers-that-be relent in their parsimonious attitude towards releasing video of the event, but given some of the organizations involved, doubt that will happen anytime soon.”
Found this yesterday morning: http://tinyurl.com/2l3omj
Probably should have said “than the limited amount already released…”
No reason for the Lake Erie to hog all the credit…
So a hearty BZ to all you folks “behind the curtain” who made this possible!!