Behold! The Empty Tomb…

(Part I) Somewhere the JG heard the MO mutter, somewhere under all that crap is a pony and we have to find it, won’t we Will he said looking directly at the QAO. Oh great he thought yeah, this is going to be one for the books if it doesn’t kill us in the process…
Lots going on right now – between events in North Asia, a one family attempt to stimulate the local construction economy and completing the first round of writing/editing for the BMD chapter for the book project there hasn’t been a lot of time to post. Still, there are a couple of irons in the fire,…
Prologue This past weekend Your Humble Scribe (YHS) was engaged in fleet maintenance of the various assorted vehicles assembled under his garage’s roof. Whilst pausing between oil changes (and silently cursing the designers and engineers who placed oil filters cheek-to-jowl with exhaust headers) he gave reflection to the variety of speedmobiles that have graced said…
I will be taking time off between now and Sunday to meditate on and celebrate this, the most holy of seasons for Christendom. I encourage you to take the time, reflect on Christ’s Mission and Sacrifice and what it promises for you. To aid in that endeavor for you, the progress of His Passion, as…
As part of the sea trials coming out of a yard period, you put the ship through its paces to include high speed runs and extreme turns. When we pulled IKE out of the yards on my first at sea period as her ‘gator (navigator) we did the whole nine-yards, including a high speed run…
The Playing Field In his far off conscious he heard it – the incessant ringing of the phone on the bulkhead. Not just any ring either – more like a loud clattering and right now it was the most annoying sound intruding into his world. Wearily, he rolled out of the top bunk, carefully avoiding…
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Happy Easter, SJS!