USS Bonefish – 21 Years Later
Every so often, we as seagoers are reminded that the mundane may rapidly transform into the perilous, even without a human enemy. Such moments can bring out the best and worst in our nature. Twenty-one years ago today routine operations onboard the USS Bonefish (SS-582) and USS Carr (FFG 52) uderwent such a change. A naval blogger of longstanding, xformed over at chaoticsynapticactivity was onboard the Carr and has previously written about that experience.
Today, he brings new details to light gained through the venue of new media and contacts enabled through his blog. It is a selfless story of sacrifice and goes straight to the heart of the discussion elsewhere in these pages about about tradition, service and, dare I say it, ethos.
The links for the USS Bonefish post do not work. Is it my browser (Firefox)?
Never mind, problem fixed.
Thanks for the traffic, between here and USNI, you made my host server earn it’s keep!
Not only that, the comments at USNI were excellent.
So what does the MSM not get about this method of communicating and story telling?
So what does the MSM not get about this method of communicating and story telling?
The fact that they are left sitting on the sidelines trying to figure out why they’ve been cut out of the pattern…