Saturday Matinee: Rings Around Rabaul
Setting the stage for the Solomon Islands Campaign project which kicks off next month…and what better way than with the classic, Victory at Sea:
Setting the stage for the Solomon Islands Campaign project which kicks off next month…and what better way than with the classic, Victory at Sea:
Nope — not the JFK, rather the INS Viraat. The Viraat is fast approaching her 50th anniversary (put in commission in 1959 as the HMS Hermes) and recently completed a SLEP (still, recalling life onboard a 40+ yr old conventional CV, even after SLEP it left something to be desired…). While never having had the…
* Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Embrace The Bad Old Days Get out your white suit, your tap shoes and tails Let’s go backwards when forward fails And movie stars you thought were alone then Now are framed beside your bed Don’t throw the pa-ast away You might need it some rainy…
If you haven’t already, you need to go to Pinch’s site and read the AAR of the memorial service held for BGEN Robin Olds, USAF-Ret. A rare bird in his time, unfortunately probably more so now. Go. Read. Remember.
(Washington Post 8 Oct 06) NEWPORT NEWS, Oct. 7 — Despite a steady downpour that chilled thousands gathered Saturday in the shipyard here, President Bush and his father, George H.W. Bush, basked in the warm embrace of extended family and friends as they celebrated the christening of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier named after the former…
This year we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the E-2 Hawkeye’s entry into Fleet operations. Â Over the course of those fifty-years the aircraft has radically changed and grown in capabilities and mission focus, while visually remaining much the same as the first E-2A . Â From Vietnam to Afghanistan and Iraq, Â it has been a part…
This week we get down to brass tacks – the kickoff of what would become the Solomons Campaign. UltimaRatioRegis once again provides this week’s post with the opening stages of the invasion and occupation of Guadalcanal, on this, the 67th anniversary of this signatory battle. And while we’re about remembering, if you haven’t signed the…